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ADHD is about attentional and emotional regulation.
ADHD is perhaps the worst named neurotype in existence. Ostensibly “Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder”, ADHD can be at least as much about emotional regulation, time blindness and rejection sensitivity as it is about attention.
This is fundamentally a difference in the way dopamine is released in the brain. Neurotypical brains receive dopamine for achieving tasks; ADHD brains receive dopamine for satisfying curiosity. This means our motivational systems are fundamentally at odds with everyone else’s, and it explains why our executive function can be so debilitatingly bad.
ADHD Resources
An essay I wrote that talks about the ways that neurodivergent life can be actively traumatizing for neurodivergent people. This essay specifically comes from an Autistic/ADHD experience.
How to ADHD gives a ton of useful advice to ADHDers. The person who runs the channel has ADHD and has made a lot of really helpful/practical advice on managing the symptoms of ADHD.
Overview of why non-cis men tend to be underdiagnosed for ADHD. It helps dispel misconceptions and talk about the neurology and variations in how it manifests itself. The second half of the book offers tips and resources for various aspects of life, from relationships to housekeeping to careers. Very accessibly written.
This addresses questions about why some people think ADHD and autism are part of the same spectrum and why some people disagree.
A center that does research, education, advocacy and outreach, and clinical work.
Information on someone who is interested in the intersection of law and neurodiversity.
An (albeit flawed) introduction to neurodiversity in a professional context. PDF download.
Provides comprehensive information and articles about ADHD.
Provides coping skills for feeling feelings and navigating overwhelming moments as well as with living everyday life.
A blog written by Rebecca Rose, a late-diagnosed neurodivergent woman who shares firsthand experiences and resources for living with her brain and brains like hers.
A guided shadow work journal with over 100 writing prompts specifically tailored for Neurodivergents, by a Neurodivergent author. Shadow work is the process of getting to know the hidden parts of yourself—thoughts, emotions, behaviours and parts of your personality that you’ve repressed because you were taught that they were undesirable or because of trauma. By bringing these hidden aspects to light, you get to understand yourself better and work towards self-acceptance.
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ADHD Social Media Accounts
Yours truly! Twitter is a great place to find me, I’m active here every day.
A Black woman with ADHD—she creates great content and sells great products.
Pina the ADHD_Alien draws comics about life with ADHD. They’re relatable and adorable.
Writer with multiple neurodivergent dx, also trans/nonbinary, queer, and multiply disabled in other ways. Talking about the intersections of these realities and how they all connect and crash.
He makes art and funny videos.
Positive behavior intervention for neurodivergency, trauma and disability. Content for individuals and caregivers of individuals.
His pinned "You might be Autistic, if…" thread is what led to my self-diagnosis (not gonna debate that with anyone, ever), and eventual clinical Autism diagnosis.
Looking for an intersectional perspective? Riah has you covered! ADHD + Autism + Feminism + Disability Advocacy + Anti-Racism.
Wendy is the former CISO of Duo, now Head of Advisory CISOs at CISCO. Wendy is ND, open about it, an international speaker, and infosec superhero. She’s an excellent example of ND folks in leadership.
“I think I’m pretty great and have interesting thoughts and infodumps. More seriously, I am a late diagnosed AuDHDer [autistic and ADHD] who is trained as an ADHD coach. I Tweet a lot about my experiences and realizations. It’s not an option in the neurotypes, but I’m also dyspraxic. Sometimes I talk about being a dyspraxic aerialist and how I do movement things I like while being clinically uncoordinated.”
Rach runs the Discord server and Twitter account. She also posts relatable threads and discussions about ADHD and ND experiences.
“I work on government code, engineering, and talk a lot about my ADHD and how i’ve succeeded in spite of it - and because of it.”
Jessica runs , a huge support network and YouTube channel/Discord on normalizing ADHD and mental health.
They write about neurodiversity from a scientific standpoint as well as from personal experience.
Neurodivergent woman in tech designing access rider building tools to promote access and inclusion for neurokin in screen and media sector.
Neurodivergent artist, poet, and parent.
They are a great writer writing about life at the intersections of different neurodivergences. They are very funny sometimes, but also seem to be very kind and generous.
Editor of The Autistic Infodump . Late-dx Autistic, ADHD, queer, compunerd. Tweets are eclectic but plenty of ND content. Sorry about the puns.
“I am a parent of ADHD kid and would like to share my perspective.”
Useful content on learning with ADHD, teaching with ADHD, doing research with ADHD, and general disability advocacy in higher education.
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