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Remote Learning

Design remote learning experiences using this set of suggested formats, tools, and definitions.

What is Remote Learning?

Remote learning occurs when the learner and the instructor are separated by time and/or distance and therefore cannot meet in a traditional classroom setting. Information is typically transmitted using technology like video conferencing, online tools, discussion boards, etc. so that physical presence in a room is no longer required. Remote learning can happen either synchronously or asynchronously.

Engaging and Effective Remote Learning

An engaging remote learning experience is where a learner is captivated by what they're learning. They're actively interacting with the content and demonstrating behaviours such as:
Taking notes
Actively listening
Asking questions
Responding to questions
Following requests
Paying attention and tracking with their eyes
Participating in group work
Completing any prep or follow up work
Withholding from any distractions

An effective remote learning experience is where the objectives of the learning are met and delivered in the most simple way possible using the most suitable remote learning format (or any combination of them) as outlined below. This means that all learning content we assign to others should have an objective tied to it so we know exactly what our learners should be doing as a result of completing the learning.
The different formats that Canva University will use for remote learning are:
Remote Learning Formats

Setting Expectations

Instructor Led Remote Learning
When it comes to remote learning, we believe that there should be no difference to what our learners and facilitators experience between face to face workshops and remote workshops. In order to make this happen we have expectations around how our facilitators and learners interact with each other during our sessions.
The responsibility is shared equally between the facilitator and the learner to maximise the effectiveness of the session.
From the perspective of the facilitator this means they:
From the perspective of the learner this means they:
For more detailed information was to what we expect of our facilitators, how we brief them on their responsibility and what resources we give to them for support. Click through to the page.

Self-paced Learning

As an end goal, Canva University is aiming to provide self-paced modules for critical learning programs which means that people will have the option of accessing learner friendly and engaging content whenever and wherever. These modules will be either designed or redesigned (from our existing content) with the learner in mind and what would most effectively help them learn and embed a certain mindset, skill or behaviour. This involves looking through the remote learning content formats mentioned above, auditing our current learning programs and incorporating more formats to create a more blended experience for our learners.
Remote – How does this apply to you?

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